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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Landscaping - cement edging

No matter how much you try to keep control of things, it always doesn't work out.  We were bound and determined to be around when anything was done on the yard.  Well, we were out of town when this edging was done.  When we realized it was going to happen that way, the landscaper came over the day before we left to draw the lines out just as I wanted them, and then commented before he left, now we're doing the colored cement with a stamped design, right?  NO!  We're doing the curvy edge with regular grey cement.  We had discussed that months ago with him....but very easily we could have ended up with the wrong thing - while we were out of town.

When we got home the edging looked very brown -- but as it dried it became more grey.  The wind was blowing dirt all over, so we think most of the brown was the dirt.  We were a bit worried there for awhile.

I don't like the sudden drop-off of the cement at the end of the side walk, we've had it tapered off on previous jobs we've had done at other homes, but it looks like this is what we're going to have here.  I would have had them fix that....if we'd been home.  It's just always a good idea to be around for stuff like t his.

1 comment:

  1. Gah, don't you wish people would just use their heads (tapered ends)? Otherwise, the curbing looks really nice, and when the grass is in the ends probably won't even show.
